Makeup Tutorial Steps to Look Like a Real Life Doll!

To look as a real doll you don’t need to spend a lot of money or to go in some art studio, just follow these simple makeup tutorial to give yourself a cute and enjoyable look! Perfect skin Wash and moisturize your face twice a day with a product appropriate for your skin type. Wear … Read more

How to support your diet with the best vitamins and supplements…

Most people should be able to get all the vitamins and minerals they require from a healthy, balanced diet. But statistics repeatedly show swathes of the British population are not achieving the recommendations which, alongside being more active, will help you to maintain a healthy weight and lower your risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. In fact, only 30 per cent of adults met the current recommendation of five portions of fruit or vegetables per day. Luckily, Boots stocks a range of vitamins and supplements to support a healthy lifestyle, and pharmacists are on hand to offer advice.

“People come to us who have a goal,” says Boots nutritionist Anna, “for example, to achieve healthier skin and nails. We can also give advice to people on medicines or with certain conditions that might need supplementation – but this will also be on the advice of your doctor.” Below, Anna suggests nine ways of boosting a healthy diet with vitamins and supplements.

Eat more oily fish

A recent survey by Public Health England revealed consumption of oily fish is well below the recommended portion per week, and that 23 per cent of adults aged 19 to 64, and 22 per cent of children between 11 and 18 had low vitamin D. This increased to 40 per cent for both in the winter months. In addition, 46 per cent of girls and 23 per cent of women didn’t eat enough iron.

Limit the sugar in your diet

It’s important that we should limit our intake of sugary foods, and bear in mind that some foods such as yogurt, wholegrain breakfast cereals, fruit and fruit juice are rich in other nutrients. Plenty of fruit and vegetables – at least five portions of a variety of fruit and veg a day.

Go for protein-rich items

Some protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, beans and non-dairy sources of protein, such as nuts and pulses.

Stock up on foods which boost your immune system

Fortified breakfast cereals are a really good source of iron, zinc, B vitamins and vitamin D which are important for the health our immune systems. At this time of year, taking additional vitamin C, zinc and Echinacea may help to support your immune system. Also, during the month of December, when we might be more prone to burning the candle at both ends, B vitamins can help support general energy levels.

Get advice deciding on a supplement

Whether it would be beneficial to take a supplement, and which one to choose, can be a minefield, especially because there are so many different types on the market. Remember that your local Boots pharmacist is available in store to offer advice at any point, particularly if you wish to combine any products.

Pick lots of starchy foods

Items such as rice, bread, pasta and potatoes – choosing wholegrain varieties when possible.

Dare to try dairy

The government recommends everyone consumes a diet that contains some milk and dairy because it is needed for a balanced diet. Reduced-fat versions are available

How to Date Divorced Woman

date divorced woman

A friend who recently divorced told me she hated having the “divorced” moniker hang over her head when she re-entered the dating pool, like a modern-day scarlet letter. That she, too, had failed to make it work, and men would recoil from her in disgust, running for the nearest 20-something as soon as possible. Date divorced woman is now common and getting more easier.

Divorce can be fantastic for males willing to see past the stigma. This puts you ahead of your never-married buddies. And here’s why:

  1. You’ve experienced loss, and rebounded from it. You have courage, resilience, strength. That’s an attractive trait to men looking for a worthy partner.
  2. Hey at least you dared to get married! You took a swing at love, rather than just playing it safe on the sidelines. You placed a bet in the lottery of life, and while it didn’t work out, you can dust yourself up and try again. Hell, even George Clooney couldn’t make his first marriage work.
  3. You know it’s better to be alone for the right reasons than with someone for the wrong. And are maybe more willing to wait for the right guy than jump into something just to have a body next to you. You don’t feel “incomplete” if you’re not in a relationship, and are maybe becoming a better person each day that you’re on your own.
  4. You now know (if you didn’t before) that love takes work. That it doesn’t just magically take care of itself, and float along in a some happy, pink cloud surrounded by unicorns and cotton candy. You know that both parties have to commit to supporting each other and making compromises on a daily basis. This, too, means you’ll have a more realistic and mature approach to your future relationships. Date divorced woman could be easier in this way.
  5. You had the balls (irony intended) to walk away from something that wasn’t working. You stood up and said, “No, I won’t stay in something that’s a lie.” And that means you have standards. Principles. And me, I like a woman who takes a stand. And isn’t afraid to face some public scorn in the process. Where others see “scandal,” I see strength.
  6. Maybe you’ve recognized that you’ve made a mistake–either in your own actions, or simply by marrying someone else who was making a lot of mistakes. And that’s incredibly valuable for your future partners in life, because you’re clearly humble enough to accept criticism and question yourself.
  7. You probably now have a deep knowledge of what sexually satisfies you (and what doesn’t). And that’s rare for women and men. And your future relationships will benefit significantly from that.
  8. Maybe you were the one who walked away, and now know what “Mr. Wrong” looks like, so you’ll better able to spot “Mr. Right.” Your bullshit detector is now iron-clad, and you realize you don’t always have to “stand by your man.” Because a lot of guys don’t deserve to be stood by. You’ll be less likely to fall for bullshit more able to identify a true heart.
  9. Or maybe you yourself realize you weren’t such a peach, yourself. That you have things to work on in your character, personality or attitude. But that willingness to accept fault is also incredibly attractive to the right guy. You’ve recognized you’re not perfect? Congrats, most of us never get there. We’ve got shit to work on, too. It’s nice to have some company.
  10. You know what it’s like to watch love slip away, and you’re more able to keep it from happening again, to have the tough conversations that need to happen. Hell, maybe you can help us prevent us from losing our way, too, if we drift.
  11. Because you look wonderful when you walk down the street alone, unafraid, cool and confident. When you sit at the bar with no one next to you, it doesn’t bother you a bit. You kind of even seem to be enjoying it. Which makes us want to be next to you all the more.
  12. So you’ve got a few scars. They make you more interesting. You’ve suffered pain and loss, so you value joy and happiness more than those who’ve never lost it. You’ve experienced a wider range of emotion in life, and have a deeper appreciation for the highs & lows.

    Please don’t fear the future. Expect the best. We find you more intriguing for your victories and defeats. Who find you more interesting and inspiring because of your flaws and stories.

    Maybe one of us will want to be by your side sooner than you think…or maybe you’ll be OK without us. Here date divorced woman comes easier.


Healthy Breakfast Tips For Working Woman

We all know that eating three healthy meals a day is important for a healthy body. But do you know that healthy breakfast is the most important meal of all the three? Specially, if you are a working woman. Not only does it set the tone for the rest of the day, but it also … Read more